Setting Line Ends

You can choose from a variety of line ends to enhance your drawing.

Lines (open objects) can have end markers at one or both ends. The line ends include arrowheads, lines, squares, circles, and triangles. You can set the line ends first, so that every line appears with the new end marker, or you can change the ends of selected lines.

You can add line ends to any open object. You can set both ends of a line to be the same or different for each end. You also can have an end marker on only one end of a line. Each line has a "first end" and a "last end," depending on which end is the starting point when the line is drawn.

As you select line ends, the ends you choose are added to the Line Ends menu. The menu shows the most recently selected line ends.

Related Topics   

To choose a line end from the menu

To choose line ends from the Object Format dialog box

To add line ends to the Object Format dialog box

To remove line ends from the Object Format dialog box